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Barcelona is in Spain. Its population is around 1.6 Million. Its area is 101 square km.


Barcelona is one of the famous cities of Spain. It is the second biggest municipality in terms of population.


Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, a state in Spain. It is also the capital of Barcelona province.


It was believed that Romans first founded the city. There are some monuments here which are older than the Roman period. Hence, some people believe that the city was founded Before Christ.


Being such an ancient city, the city planning is very correct and proper. All house blocks are in square shape. Corners seem to be cut.


Thinking of Paris, we will think of the Eiffel Tower. That Eiffel Tower was originally proposed to be built in Barcelona by architect Gustave Eiffel. But the Spanish did not agree to this. They believed that such a high-rise monument will spoil the beauty of Barcelona.


The architecture on the buildings is a must watch. They are a beauty to behold. That is why the Roya Institute of British Architects has given the Royal Gold Medal to Barcelona. It is the only city in the world to be honoured with the Royal Gold Medal.


Beaches which are kilometre long are Barcelona’s speciality. There were no beaches up to 1992. Only industries were there. But in 1992, the Olympics were proposed to be held here. Hence, the industries were removed and beaches were built. There are seven beaches here, each with an average coastline of 4.5 km.


The world’s busiest walkway is in Barcelona. On this way, no vehicles are allowed. On an average, 150000 people walk on this walkway.


As per 2016 statistics, Barcelona occupies the fourth spot among European cities in terms of attracting large number of travellers.


The largest cruise port in Europe is in Barcelona. It is the busiest in Europe also.


The largest football stadium in Europe is the FC Barcelona Clubs Home Stadium. It has a seating capacity of 99000.


There are urban parks in more than 10 per cent of the city area. The greenery is growing year on year.


There are 55 museums which depict the cultural and heritage. Every now and then, there are magic shows held in these museums.


There are cycle ways up to 180 km in the city. Cycle renting shops are also very high in number. It is known as the world’s most bike friendly city.


Barcelona contains 9 monuments which are recognised by UNESCO as heritage monuments.


The Sagrada Familia (church of the Holy family) is a famous monument to watch. It is unfinished. It is designed by Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi who worked on building the Sagrada Familia from 1883 till his death in 1926. The church is still unfinished.


What there is of it is breath taking. UNESCO has recognised this a world heritage building. Many of Gaudi’s more unusual ideas have not been carried out, partly because his models and plans were destroyed during a fire in 1935 and more importantly, the church was one man’s vision and was eclipsed upon his death.


The Sagrada Familia is a dominant feature of Barcelona. It stands on a terrace nearly 12 feet high, surrounded by a dry moat. Its highly decorated towers soar into the sky, dwarfing nearby buildings.


Since Gaudi’s death, work on the church has continued in a slow, spasmodic way.